AP Exams are only two weeks away! AP classes give students in high school an opportunity to challenge themselves with college-level coursework. Students can also get credit for college courses and/or place out of certain general education courses required to graduate college in some cases.
Being in an AP class can be challenging. As a former AP Psychology classroom teacher, I can attest to how much information can be on these tests. Keeping up with coursework throughout the year is critical to performing well on the AP exam. Studying and preparing for the exam is also crucial.
Here are my recommendations for scoring a 5 on your AP Exams:
Plan out your studying ahead of time
What resources will you use?
What tasks do you need to perform?
How much time do you have?
Consider the course you're in
All of the subjects have different formats for the exam
Use released exams to guide your study plan
Create a team
Parents, peers, teachers, tutors, and friends can support you
Talk through concepts aloud
Ask questions
Be accountable
Good luck!! I'm here if you have questions or want to talk through how I can help!